
Basic Electronics & Devices

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Objective: To learn the basics of semiconductor physics. 

Review of Semi Conductor Physics: Insulators, Semi conductors, and Metals classification using Energy Band Diagrams, Mobility and Conductivity, Electrons and holes in Intrinsic Semi conductors, Extrinsic Semi Conductor, (P and N Type semiconductor) Hall effect, Generation and Recombination of Charges, Diffusion, Continuity Equation, Injected Minority Carriers, Law of Junction, Introduction to fermi level in Intrinsic, Extrinsic semi conductors with necessary mathematics 

Outcome: Students are able to understand the basic concepts of semiconductor physics, which are useful to understand the operation of diodes and transistors. 

Objective: To study the construction details, operation and characteristics of various semiconductor diodes. 

Junction Diode Characteristics Operation and characteristics of p-n junction diode. Current components in p-n diode, diode equation. Temperature dependence on V–I characteristic, diffusion capacitance and diode resistance (static and dynamic), energy band diagram of p-n diode. Special Diodes: Avalanche and Zener break down, Zener characteristics, tunnel diode, characteristics with the help of energy band diagrams, Varactor diode, LED, PIN diode, Photo diode 

Outcome: Students are able to explain the operation and characteristics of PN junction diode and special diodes.

 Objective: To understand the operation and analysis of rectifiers with and without filters. Further study the operation of series and shunt regulators using zener diodes. 

Rectifiers and Regulators Half wave rectifier, ripple factor, full wave rectifier (with and without transformer), harmonic components in a rectifier circuit, inductor filter, capacitor filter, L-section filter, Π- section filter, and comparison of various filter circuits in terms of ripple factors. Simple circuit of a regulator using Zener diode. Types of regulators-series and shunt voltage regulators, over load voltage protection.
 Outcome: Ability to understand operation and design aspects of rectifiers and regulators. 

Objective: To study the characteristics of different bipolar junction transistors and their biasing stabilization and compensation techniques. To analyze transistor amplifiers using hparameters. 

Transistors Junction transistor, transistor current components, transistor as an amplifier and switch. Characteristics of transistor (CE, CB and CC configurations). Transistor biasing and thermal stabilization (to fixed bias, collector to base bias, self bias). Compensation against variation in base emitter voltage and collector current. Thermal runaway. Hybrid model of transistor. Analysis of transistor amplifier using h-parameters 

Outcome: Students are able to understand the characteristics of various transistor configurations. They become familiar with different biasing, stabilization and compensation techniques used in transistor circuits. 

Unit- V:
Objective: To understand the basics of FET,Thyristors, Power IGBTs and Power MOSFETs. 
Power semiconductor devices Principle of operation and characteristics of Thyristors, Silicon control rectifiers, power IGBT and power MOSFET their ratings. Comparison of power devices. FET: JFET Characteristics (Qualitative explanation), MOFET Characteristics–static and Transfer (enhancement and depletion mode), low frequency model of FET, FET as an amplifier. 

Outcome: Students are able to understand the operation and characteristics of FET, Thyristors, Power IGBTs and Power MOSFETs. 

Unit VI :
Objective: To understand the concepts of positive and negative feedbacks and their role in amplifiers and oscillators. Amplifiers and oscillators Feedback Amplifiers -classification, feedback concept, transfer gain and general characteristics of negative feedback amplifiers, effect of feedback on input and output resistances. Methods of analysis of feedback amplifiers. Power Amplifiers – Classification, push-pull amplifiers, Introduction to harmonics (distortion factor. Oscillators – Condition for oscillation, RC-phase shift oscillator. Wein bridge oscillator, Crystal oscillator. Frequency and amplitude stability of oscillators. Outcome: Students are able to understand the merits and demerits of positive and negative feedback and the role of feedback in oscillators and amplifiers.