Design and Drawing of Steel Structures

👉Click the below Links to Download Design and Drawing of Steel Structures Study Notes:-

UNIT-I:- Connections: Introduction: (a) 
Riveted connections – Definition, rivetstrength and capacity- Codal Provisions, (b) Welded connections: Introduction,Advantages and disadvantages of welding- Strength of welds-Butt and fillet welds:Permissible stresses – IS Code requirements. Design of fillet weld subjected to moment acting in the plane and at right angles to the plane of the joints.


All units i.e. from unit II to unit-VI to be taught in Limit State Design and in Welded
connections only.

UNIT–II:- Beams: 
Allowable stresses, design requirements as per IS Code-Design of simple and compound beams-Curtailment of flange plates, Beam to beam connection, check for deflection, shear, buckling, check for bearing, laterally unsupported beams.


UNIT–III:- Tension Members and compression members:-
General Design of members subjected to direct tension and bending –effective length of columns. Slenderness ratio – permissible stresses. Design of compression members, struts etc.
Roof Trusses: Different types of trusses – Design loads – Load combinations as per IS
Code recommendations, structural details –Design of simple roof trusses involving the

design of purlins, members and joints – tubular trusses


UNIT–IV:- Design of Columns: 
Built up compression members – Design of lacings and battens. Design Principles of Eccentrically loaded columns, Splicing of columns.


UNIT–V:- Design of Column Foundations: 
Design of slab base and gusseted base. Column bases subjected moment.


UNIT–VI:- Design of Plate Girder:
 Design consideration – I S Code recommendations Design of plate girder-Welded – Curtailment of flange plates, stiffeners – splicing and connections. Design of Gantry Girder: impact factors - longitudinal forces, Design of Gantry girders.


NOTE: Welding connections should be used in Units II – VI.
The students should prepare the following plates.
Plate 1 Detailing of simple beams
Plate 2 Detailing of Compound beams including curtailment of flange plates.
Plate 3 Detailing of Column including lacing and battens.
Plate 4 Detailing of Column bases – slab base and gusseted base
Plate 5 Detailing of steel roof trusses including joint details.
Plate 6 Detailing of Plate girder including curtailment, splicing and stiffeners.

The end examination paper should consist of Part A and Part B. part A consist of two
questions in Design and Drawing out of which one question is to be answered. Part B
should consist of five questions and design out of which three are to be answered.

Weightage for Part – A is 40% and Part- B is 60%.