Environmental Engineering-I

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UNIT–I:- Introduction:
Importance and Necessity of Protected Water Supply systems,Water borne diseases, Flow chart of public water supply system, Role of Environmental Engineer, Agency activities
Water Demand and Quantity Estimation: Estimation of water demand for a town or
city, Per capita Demand and factors influencing it - Types of water demands and its
variations- factors affecting water demand, Design Period, Factors affecting the Design
period, Population Forecasting.


UNIT-II:- Sources of Water:
Lakes, Rivers, Impounding Reservoirs, comparison of sources with reference to quality, quantity and other considerations- Capacity of storage reservoirs, Mass curve analysis. Groundwater sources of water: Types of water bearing formations, springs, Wells and Infiltration galleries, Yields from infiltration galleries.
Collection and Conveyance of Water: Factors governing the selection of the intake
structure, Types of Intakes. Conveyance of Water: Gravity and Pressure conduits, Types

of Pipes, Pipe Materials, Pipe joints, Design aspects of pipe lines, laying of pipe lines


UNIT-III:- Quality and Analysis of Water:
Characteristics of water–Physical, Chemical and Biological-Analysis of Water – Physical, Chemical and Biological characteristics.Comparison of sources with reference to quality- I.S. Drinking water quality standards and WHO guidelines for drinking water.


UNIT–IV:- Treatment of Water: 
Flowchart of water treatment plant, Treatment methods: Theory and Design of Sedimentation, Coagulation, Sedimentation with Coagulation, Filtration


UNIT-V:- Disinfection:
Theory of disinfection-Chlorination and other Disinfection methods, Softening of Water, Removal of color and odours - Iron and manganese removal –Adsorption-fluoridation and deflouridation–aeration–Reverse Osmosis-Iron exchange–Ultra filtration.


UNIT–VI:- Distribution of Water:
Requirements- Methods of Distribution system, Layouts of Distribution networks, Pressures in the distribution layouts, Analysis of Distribution networks: Hardy Cross and equivalent pipe methods -Components of Distribution system: valves such as sluice valves, air valves, scour valves and check valves, hydrants, and water meters–Laying and testing of pipe lines- selection of pipe materials,

pipe joints